Linux secure programming

Linux secure programming –

Code repositories

  • SVN/GIT repositories

SVN/GIT repositories shall use for any development and testing through whole SDLC.

Only compilable code can be uploaded into repositories.

Branches should merge to main stream after each main version has been tested.

  • Ownership of SVN/GIT repositories

Developers shall create branches only rather than main/master repositories.

Only owners of repositories or pre-authorized developers can merge to main/master repositories.

  • Comments

Useful comments are a must for each updating.

Meaningless comments are not permitted. e.g. ‘Code optimizing’ ‘New Function’

Code compiling

  • Warnings

‘-Wall -Werror’ is a must for any make files.

No warning messages are allowed in repositories.

Higher or beta versions(Higher version) compiler are recommended for development environment.

  • Static analysis

Clang static analyst or Pclint are a must for development.

  • Dynamic analysis

‘—sanitize=address’ option is a must.

Any other options from Gcc/CLANG sanitizer are recommended.

Valgrind cannot be used as same time with sanitizer.



  • C/C++ pointer conversion

A pointer to one type may be converted to a pointer to another type. The resulting pointer may cause addressing exceptions if the subject pointer does not refer to an object suitably aligned in storage.

Any pointer conversions are not recommended.

<dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Wstrict-aliasing]> shall not report by any compiling options.

  • Reference of files

No cross reference of files in any projects.

Out of scope reference is not recommended.

  • Multi-statement and recursion


Following multi-statement and recursion are not recommended.

if (1)










  • Returning values

A universal returning values should be defined across any projects.

Multi-return formats should not be used. E.g. ‘return 0, return 1, return -1’ return -1’, all formats shall use ‘return RET_SUCCESS 1, return RET_FAILURE 0, return RET_UNEXPECTED’

  • Integer values

Integer values on statement and the call by value method of passing arguments are not recommended. E.g.


while (fgets(buf, 1024, fp) != NULL)


memset(tmp, 0, 32);


if (strlen(buf) > 0)


sscanf(buf, “%s%32s”, v1, v2);








u8 len = 1 + 16 + strlen((const char *) v1);

memcpy(ptr + offset, &len, 1);

offset += 1;

totallen += 1;

trans32_to_16(v2, (u8 *) tmp);

memcpy(ptr + offset, tmp, 16);

offset += 16;

totallen += 16;

memcpy(ptr + offset, v1, strlen((const char *) v1));

offset += strlen((const char *) v1);

totallen += strlen((const char *) v1);


memset(buf, 0, 1024);

memset(v1, 0, 256);

memset(v2, 0, 256);



1 Insecure functions

Appendix A

2 Parameters checking

Parameters should be checked in each function call. E.g.

Func1(void *p)





Func2(void *p)


If(NULL == p)


Return -1;


//read or write p


  • Assert

No assert on release version.

  • System/getuid functions

Returning values should be checked when these functions are used.

  • Root

No root permission for any program, getuid should be used as default.


  • Heap and stack

Using heap only needed. E.g.



Struct sockaddr_in6 *src_addr = NULL;àstruct sockaddr_in6 src_addr;

Src_addr = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)malloc(sock_size);à//DON’T need a heap memory

Memset(&src_addr, 0x0, sizeof(sock_size));


Recvfrom(sock,buffer,len,0,(struct sockaddr *) src_addr,&addr_len);

Recvfrom(sock,buffer,len,0,(struct sockaddr *)  &src_addr,&addr_len);


  • Inline function

Inline functions are recommended for performance sensitive routine. i.e.

While(1)//CPU consuming looping






For all three functions, inline function is recommended as they are the CPU consuming routine.

  • Compiler optimization

Compiler O2 optimization is minimal.

Compiler O3 should be used when it outperformed O2.

Compiler O3 shall be tested for all algorithms.


  • Re-entry funtions

High re-entry functions should be optimized according to performance consuming.


Before After






Return -1;









Return -1;









  • System calls

All system calls should be checked by strance -c.

All system calls should be counted as necessary.

i.e. the sample process are called unnecessary usleep (nanosleep want wait system calls) and caused CPU waste.

[root@localhost samplet]# strace -c ./bin/sample

Process 7684 detached

% time     seconds  usecs/call     calls    errors syscall

—— ———– ———– ——— ——— —————-

77.69    0.107985          14      7715           nanosleep

18.00    0.025016        1668        15           wait4

3.49    0.004857         202        24           clone

0.72    0.001000         167         6         4 ioctl

0.03    0.000041           1        62           sendto

0.03    0.000040           0      1197         3 stat

0.01    0.000016           0       153           mmap

0.01    0.000015           0        51           munmap

0.01    0.000014           0        60           mprotect

0.01    0.000013           0        31           brk

0.00    0.000000           0       125           read

  • Perf and profiling
  • Programs profiling

perf record -g <sample> should be used for profiling. i.e. Both mi_modularreduce and wordmult functions consumed CPU timing. This caused by algorithms ORX operationsand should be optimized.



2)System profiling

Perf top should be used for system profiling(perf top -g).

All kernel level consuming should be analyzed according kernel CPU timing.









Appendix A Clang static anlyzer

For single file:

clang-3.5 –analyze -Xanalyzer -analyzer-output=html *.c/*.cpp


For project:

1 clang-3.5 –analyze -Xanalyzer -analyzer-output=html your-code-directory/*.c -I your-include-directory/


2 Clang scan-build and scan-view

1Using configure generate makefile

1,scan-build-3.5 ./configure

2,scan-build-3.5 make

3,scan-view-3.5 /tmp/xxxxxxxxxx.html


2For existing makefile projects

a)scan-build-3.5 make

/usr/share/clang/scan-build-3.5/ccc-analyzer. i.e.

~/code/librebench-1.14$ scan-build-3.5 make

scan-build: Using ‘/usr/lib/llvm-3.5/bin/clang’ for static analysis

make -C src

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/libre/code/librebench-1.14/src’

/usr/share/clang/scan-build-3.5/ccc-analyzer -O2   -c -o xxx.o xxxx.c

scan-view-3.5 /tmp/xxxxxxxxx

b)Manually use makefile

1,Updating compiler through makefile compiler = gcc/cc/armcc/mipscc to compiler = /usr/share/clang/scan-build-3.5/ccc-analyzer

2,scan-build-3.5 makefile

3,scan-view-3.5 /tmp/xxxxxxxxx


  • Options

All default.


  • PDCA Plan-do-check-act

Single file

clang-3.5 –analyze -Xanalyzer -analyzer-output=html *.c

console output:


214 char cmd[1024] = {0};
215 char backname[512] = {0};
216 int fsize = 0;
217 int ret = 0;
219 setuid(0);
The return value from the call to ‘setuid’ is not checked. If an error occurs in ‘setuid’, the following code may execute with unexpected privileges
220 if(newfile == NULL)
221 {
222 Debuging(“newfile == NULL”);
223 return -1;
224 }




Windows users must have Perl installed to use scan-build.

scan-build.bat script allows you to launch scan-build in the same way as it described in the Basic Usage section above. To invoke scan-build from an arbitrary location, add the path to the folder containing scan-build.bat to your PATH environment variable.

If you have unexpected compilation/make problems when running scan-build with MinGW/MSYS the following information may be helpful:

  • If getting unexpected “fatal error: no input files” while building with MSYS make from the Windows cmd, try one of these solutions:
    • Use MinGW mingw32-make instead of MSYS make and exclude the path to MSYS from PATH to prevent mingw32-make from using MSYS utils. MSYS utils are dependent on the MSYS runtime and they are not intended for being run from the Windows cmd. Specifically, makefile commands with backslashed quotes may be heavily corrupted when passed for execution.
    • Run make from the sh shell:

$ scan-build [scan-build options] sh -c “make [make options]

  • If getting “Error : *** target pattern contains no `%'” while using GNU Make 3.81, try to use another version of make.