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Can an iPad(Pro) replace my laptop or desktop computer?

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The iPad can if:

– If your laptop or desktop PC performs the very simple tasks in which the iPad excels: web, email, social media, games, or a paper for school, etc. Productivity has also become increasingly easy on the iPad. The virtual touchpad makes manipulating text easier; the iPad supports Microsoft Office; and if you need to do a lot of typing you can simply connect a Bluetooth keyboard. The iPad has increasingly become a portable gaming machine as well. and it can deliver unique ways to play some very good games.

– iPad Pro has superb security performance than any traditional laptops and PCs.

– If the battery and the portability are required.

The iPad cannot if:

– If you’re tied to a proprietary piece of software that’s not available for the iPad. Many of them still use software that requires Microsoft Windows. And proprietary software isn’t found just in the workplace. Any application you run on your Windows PC or Mac would need a replacement for your iPad. If you need professional video-editing software like Final Cut Pro, the iPad isn’t quite there yet.

– If the storage space and ram are required.

– iPad Pros have much higher prices than average laptops.

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